TimeTick Version 1.1.0

TimeTick version 1.0 has been available on the App Store now for a little under a year and in that time it hasn’t received any updates, unlike the considerably more popular PilotCalc, which is now at version 2.0.8, reflecting one major and a good number of minor revisions.   As a user of TimeTick, as well as the developer, I have occasionally come across a bug in the notification system causing some spurious notifications and … Read more

TimeTick Submitted For Apple Review

Screenshot of the Template Editor with annotations describing the main functions.

Towards the end of November last year, I started mulling over the idea of a time-stamped checklist. The idea was inspired by the day job, which, on occasions, requires tracking the completion time of certain tasks to ensure an audit trail in the event of a delay. I looked unsuccessfully on the app store for a tool that would meet my requirements. Whilst to-do lists are plentiful, habit trackers numerous, and short term timers and … Read more

Introducing TimeTick and A New Logo

It’s been a busy day at Cold Arid Code. Over the last few weeks I have been mulling over the idea of a time-stamped checklist, a ‘done’ list if you will. This is another app that has its origins on the flight deck, the original concept being to track the cargo loading progress, but I realised that with a bit of generalisation it could be useful for many other tasks. With the initial draft structure … Read more