Introducing TimeTick and A New Logo

It’s been a busy day at Cold Arid Code. Over the last few weeks I have been mulling over the idea of a time-stamped checklist, a ‘done’ list if you will. This is another app that has its origins on the flight deck, the original concept being to track the cargo loading progress, but I realised that with a bit of generalisation it could be useful for many other tasks. With the initial draft structure … Read more

PilotCalc Released

A view showing two screens from the Flight Log functionality of PilotCalc V1.0

PilotCalc V1.0 has been released on the iOS App Store. Please feel free to drop me an email or add comments with any feedback. At this point any updates will be limited to bug fixes, but I anticipate that there will be a version two in the future, making better use of the iPad screen estate and with additional functionality. So if there are things that you would like to see incorporated, let me know … Read more


Coding, design and internal testing of my first iOS application, PilotCalc is now complete. PilotCalc was designed as a flight deck / cockpit utility for the short-term logging of flight times and notes. I have been using it to log times and details such as take-off thrust, who was pilot flying for the sector and defect reminders for entry into the tech log upon landing. PilotCalc also incorporates a simple hours, minutes and times calculator … Read more